Parktown North at a glance

About the suburb of Parktown North

Located north of Rosebank, Parktown North is found in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg and takes its name from its position north of the wealthy suburb of Parktown. It currently has desirable historical-style houses and an enviable village atmosphere, although it lies close to one of the busiest arteries in Johannesburg, Jan Smuts Avenue. This also means that it makes getting around the city that much easier.

Parktown North also has an active Residents Association that looks after the interests of its residents around the suburb, including Heritage, building and electrical issues, power outages, and maintenance issues.

Interesting facts about the history of Parktown North

Parktown North is one of the oldest residential areas in the Northern suburbs, which was created as a residential area for the Randlords' poorer relatives while the Randlords built their mansions on Parktown Ridge during the 1890s-the early period of the Rand gold rush. These homes of the poorer relatives have become highly sought-after historical-style houses today.

Also, Parktown North is the only known suburb of Johannesburg to have only numbered avenues with no numbered streets. Unlike several suburbs in Johannesburg, which are laid out as grids having numbered streets in one direction and numbered avenues intersecting perpendicularly, Parktown North is not a grid, and the avenues run in all directions.

Schools in the area

As the name implies, Parktown North is the northern part of the wealthy suburb of Parktown, which means its residents get easy access to the schools in the Parktown suburb. This includes Parktown Boys' High School, an English public school built in 1922; Deutsche Schule Johannesburg, a German international school that moved to Parktown in 1969; and Helpmekaar Kollege, built in 1921 as Johannesburg's first Afrikaans high school.

There is also The Key School, dedicated to the education of autistic children, as well as Holy Family College, a Catholic mission school built in 1905, Rand Girls' High School, a public school in Parktown for only girls, and many others. There are several private schools, for both girls and boys in nearby Houghton too.

Medical facilities in the area

Parktown North residents also have access to quality medical services and facilities, thanks to the suburb's close proximity to Parktown. These medical facilities include Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital, the University of the Witwatersrand's main teaching hospital, and the Netcare Milpark Hospital, a level 1 accredited trauma unit offering cardiology and cardio-thoracic services. There is also the Brenthurst Clinic, Donald Gordon Medical Centre, and the Parklane Clinic.

Shopping centers and malls in the area

A few shopping centers in the areas around Parktown North cater to all the shopping and service requirements of the residents. This includes Killarney Mall, one of Johannesburg's most established shopping centers, which is perfect for quick in-and-out shopping trips or dedicated shopaholics that could use some serious retail therapy. There is also 44 Stanley for the trendy crowd, Oriental Plaza for the bargain hunters, and the upmarket Hyde Park Corner for more elegant shopping and dining.

Restaurants to visit in Parktown North

There are numerous restaurants in and around the suburb of Parktown North for residents to enjoy. This includes Fino Bar and Restaurant, serving different international dishes; Turn 'n' Tender serving the finest steak; Mantra Indian Cuisine serving Indian and vegetarian dishes; Moemas Coffee Shop; Kitch north bistro restaurant, and many others ... particularly in the nearby suburb of Parkhurst.

Things to do in Parktown North

Looking for recreational activities around Parktown North? You're in luck. There's much to keep you and the family entertained in the area. Here are our Top 5 things to do in Parktown North

1. Gallery Momo: this is a modern art gallery in Parktown North, located in an old family house dating back to the early 20th century, which was revamped in 2003 to house some of the finest contemporary art pieces in Gauteng.

2. Windybrow Center For The Arts: this theatre is one of Johannesburg's contributors to the local performance art culture of South Africa and has been around since the 1980s. Windybrow Theatre is located in Doornfontein, central Johannesburg.

3. Victoria Yards Market: holds on the first Sunday of every month and serves as the epicenter of art, craft, artisanal skill, and a dedication to deliciousness. There are also gardens, owl boxes, small meadows to attract bees, and a fish pond. The Victoria Yards is also in the Johannesburg Inner City.

4. Rosebank Sunday Market: this market has a lot of tourists flocking to the market to purchase African curios to take back to their home country. It is filled with a vast range of items, including clothing, arts and crafts, carvings, jewelry, household items, makeup, gadgets, and so much more.

5. The Linder Auditorium: situated on the Wits Education Campus, this auditorium is home to Johannesburg's only full-time professional orchestra, the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra.

Distance to airports, main roads, and the CBD

Parktown North is very close to the Gautrain route and has various bus stops that transport commuters to Gautrain stations. It is 6 kilometers to Sandton CBD, 7 kilometers to the Johannesburg CBD, and 27 kilometers to OR Tambo International Airport, or a 5-minute drive to the Rosebank Gautrain station, where you can get a train to the OR Tambo International Airport.

Weather in Parktown North

Summer temperatures can reach mid-300C at the peak of the season, and brief thundershowers usually cool afternoons down. In the winter months, which is the dry season, temperatures can fall to single digits (Celsius) in the early morning and through the night, but the sun shines during the day. It is best advised to dress in layers in the winter months and to wear sunscreen daily regardless of the season.

Make Parktown North your home, your story.

Whether you're a young professional or a family looking to put down roots, Parktown North has lots to offer. Seeff Sandton is here to help you find your dream home in the area. Browse our properties for sale or to rent, and contact our award-winning agent, Rose Rolfe, today.

Home is Our Story.

4 Residential Homes For Sale in Parktown North, Johannesburg

FROM R695,000 to R6,950,000

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