Everton Conservancy: protecting South Africa's oldest urban conservancy

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The Everton Conservancy, established in 1991, holds the distinction of being the oldest urban conservancy in South Africa. Nestled upstream of the renowned Krantzkloof Nature Reserve, this Conservancy is a treasure trove of natural beauty and boasts a remarkable diversity of plant and animal species.

The Conservancy plays a vital role in safeguarding the unique ecological features of the area. By dedicating its efforts to conservation, it ensures that the natural heritage of the oldest urban conservancy in the country remains intact. Through various initiatives, the Conservancy actively works to protect and enhance the parks and trails within its jurisdiction. This not only contributes to the well-being of the local ecosystem but also provides residents and visitors with opportunities to enjoy and appreciate the stunning landscapes and natural wonders.

The biodiversity of Everton Conservancy

The biodiversity of Everton Conservancy is exceptional. There are ten times more tree species in Everton than in all of Europe. The Conservancy is home to riparian and scarp forests, grasslands, and wetlands, which provide a diversity of habitats for a range of wildlife species. These include bushbuck, blue and grey duiker, bush pig, genet, vervet monkey, several mongoose species, tree and rock dassie, porcupine, and bushbaby. On rare occasions, several caracals have also been spotted. 

The birdlife in the area is prolific with over 100 species recorded, including Narina Trogon, Knysna, and Purple-crested Turacos, and the mighty African Crowned Eagle, which is now an endangered species.

The parks of Everton Conservancy

The Conservancy looks after two parks in Everton. These parks are primarily Kwazulu-Natal sandstone sourveld, which is an endangered subtropical grassland type. The Conservancy maintains over seven kilometres of trails through the indigenous forest along the Molweni river. These trails provide an opportunity for visitors to explore the beauty of the area and encounter its diverse flora and fauna.

Conservation efforts of the Everton Conservancy

The Conservancy employs workers to look after the trails and parks. Their main function is to remove alien vegetation, keep the trails open, and mow the park for the benefit of walkers. The Conservancy is also monitoring wildlife in the area with camera traps, checking game trails for snares, and monitoring developments in the area that might impact the water quality of the streams or affect natural areas. The Conservancy's work also leads to increased security in Everton, with patrols monitoring wildlife and more 'eyes and ears' keeping a watch on what goes on.

The need for financial support

The Everton Conservancy incurs expenses for all of its endeavours, and it is wholly dependent on donations to meet these financial obligations. Financial support is essential for the Everton Conservancy to continue its important work. The funds received from various sources, including residents and donors, play a critical role in sustaining the Conservancy's operations. These contributions assist in maintaining the parks and trails, conducting wildlife monitoring programs, and organising educational and awareness campaigns. By encouraging residents to contribute what they can, the Conservancy aims to foster a sense of collective responsibility and ownership among the local community.

The Everton Conservancy stands as a beacon of conservation in South Africa. With its rich biodiversity, commitment to preservation, and tireless efforts to protect the oldest urban conservancy in the country, it is an invaluable asset to the region. Supporting the Conservancy financially and engaging in its activities not only ensures the conservation of the area's natural beauty but also fosters a sustainable and harmonious relationship between humans and the environment.

Discover your dream home near the magnificent Everton Conservancy. As a trusted real estate agency, Seeff offers a range of houses in close proximity to this natural gem. Explore our listings today and find your perfect sanctuary amidst breathtaking landscapes and abundant biodiversity. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to live harmoniously with nature, get in touch with Seeff Hillcrest & Kloof today. 

Author: Seeff Hillcrest & Kloof

Submitted 19 May 23 / Views 762